Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Wednesday Weigh-In

I have reached a point where I don't recognize the girl in the mirror anymore.  When someone tags me in a picture on facebook, I untag it as fast as I can.  If I see someone from high school while at the store, I hide.  I don't want anyone to see me like this.  I don't like looking at myself like this.

I constantly tell myself I'm going to get serious about eating right/exercising tomorrow.  Or Monday.  Or the 1st of the month...Right after I finish off this bag of cookies or tub of ice cream.  Then I will start. 

I have a gym membership, but I hate to go because I feel too fat to be there.  How dumb is that?  Isn't that what the gym is FOR?

I have never understood why I never make any progress and I think it's because I don't have any accountibility.  There is only so much I can do alone.  I need someone else to know about these goals.

So I am going to commit to getting rid of this weight.  Every Wednesday I'm going to post how much I weigh.  This scares the crap out of me, and I'm extremely embarrassed to put the number on paper (interweb?).  But maybe that's a good thing.

So here it is:                    196.5

My goal weight is 145.  I don't have a specific time frame I would like to lose the 50 pounds in.  That has been a huge problem of mine.  I set unrealistic goals (20 pounds in 2 weeks?  Yeah, I tried to do that once.  Obviously didn't work.) and then feel devastated when I don't reach them.

Wish me luck! 


  1. Kitty- this was an incredibly brave thing to do! I am also trying to live a healthier lifestyle with weight loss as one of the goals in mind. I know you can do it and I'm so proud of you for having the courage to be this honest. I'm a bit heavier than you if that makes you feel any better- and I haven't even had any kids. ;) Can't wait to chat about this in person! Love you!

  2. Thanks, Holls! :) Yes, please, let's talk about this in person soon!
